Friday, August 5, 2011

Chapter Thirty: A Sudden Move

As Ned stands in the kitchen, a sudden chill comes over him. He couldn't describe what he's feeling, only that it hurt horribly.  "Like somebody's bashing a trophy over my head. Wait, is that the right word? Do people hit with trophies?" He mumbles, feeling like something's really wrong but not really being able to name it. Tyson smiles at Irish, oblivious to Ned's distress.

That is until Ned's mutterings become truly bizzare. "Tyson, you're such a big boy! Soon enough you'll be graduating and leaving the nest." Tyson's content smile disappears, replaced by concern.
"Dad, are you okay?" Ned beams, and Tyson's stomach drops.
"Oh, you're speaking! You're growing up so fast! And you have a little girl friend, what the ladies man!" Tyson is stunned into silence.

Rosaline has been listening in, growing increasingly concerned. She struggles to focus on the pancakes she's making, and nearly drops the pan when she hears a sudden scream.
"Mommy, make it stop!" Ned screams as he clutches his stomach. "You're not in the sky!" He wails before falling to the ground. Irish starts crying along with Ned, and the family rushes him to the hospital.

"I love you, my sweet Irish." Roxanne murmurs softly. "You know I didn't want to do this so soon, but we're moving to Brooklyn Heights tomorrow. It's a big town with lots of kids for you and Isadora to play with." Irish giggles, not understanding that Roxanne is heartbroken to leave her new home. "Grandpa Ned isn't feeling well, so we need to bring him to the sea, and Brooklyn Heights has many homes on the outskirts of the town that are right by the water. Plus you'll get a perfect little princess room!"
"I pi-cess" Irish smiles, liking the sound of this new place.

"You're so precious you know, you look just like your daddy. Have sweet dreams, my little one." She whispers as she rocks Irish to sleep, knowing that everything will be okay as long as she has her girls around.

The girls play together in their new room, rivalry forgotten at the moment with new toys.
"You good! Moos-ick pwetty." Isadora exclaims as she tries to put the devilish block in the hole.
"Tanks Izzie." Irish smirks softly, knowing how to bug her sister. As she predicted...
"I Isa! No Izzie!"

Isadora gets bored of playing with the dumb blocks quickly, so she goes over to the cool castle and sees if she can find some better toys there, since Irish is hogging the Xylophone.
"Vroom! Beep-Beep!" Isadora squeals, she loves toys that make funny noises.

Tyson doesn't really talk much for the first hours of the move, keeping himself busy with fixing up the appliances so that he doesn't have to think about Ned's dementia.

Ned isn't really sure who these little girls are, but a small part of him feels like they are familar somehow. "Irish?" He mutters, trying to remember the names of the little girls. Nathalie told him, but he just wasn't sure of anything anymore.
"No, I Isa! Sil-wee Gapa!" Ned nods, the redheaded one is Isadora. Now he remembers, but only because Nathalie tried to drill it in his mind..
"At least I remember Nathalie, and a bit of my baby boy. At least that's something." He whispers, knowing that the doctor said that it was only going to get worse. He had been forgetting a lot of things lately, taking care of the plants, cooking meals. Other people have been taking over his responsibilities without really realizing it, and soon he was the person he feared. A person without a task.
"I make poopy, Gapa cwean?" Isadora inquires, her innocence face forcing himself out of his remincings.
"Sure, sure Izzy." With red hair and a red face, the little fire-ball loses her temper.
"I is Isa! No Izzy! No I-ish! No! Bad Gapa, bad!" Isadora wails, and Ned wants to cry with her.


  1. D :

    Real life old person problems? Really? See now I'm going to cry...

  2. Hey, I did say it was gloomy, and coming from a person who loves sad stuff, it's sure to make you cry. Besides, I could have been worse and sent him to an old folks home (aka put him and a bunch of other elders in a teeny weeny house with one sulky teen/ya staff), his family still loves him and even moved to support him!
    Plus you killed both Grim and Serenity, like you have a right to complain XD

  3. Poor Ned... That is such a horrible fate for someone so active.

    Loving your updates recently! :)

  4. Serious stuff! =( My G'pa had Alzheimer's, and it was such a sad thing.

    And Emma! Spoiler alert - SHEESH!! =)

  5. Sorry, I assumed that since I updated after Cece, people would read hers first :(
    And I'm not afraid to tackle real life issues, I'll always try to be sensitive about it for those who've been effected. But it was a good reason for them to move so soon after the first one, and it kind of fits poor Ned's sad elder personality.
