Friday, August 12, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Four: Do the People We Love Ever Truly Leave Us?

Tyson looks nervously at Nathalie. She's been too quiet for his liking, and he's starting to freak out.
"So, Mom, you know we need to make funeral arraignments soon. There's a website you might be interested in..." Tyson couldn't finish his sentence, the sadness radiating throughout the room.
"I don't want a funeral Ty-Ty, I just want to spread his ashes in the garden. I'm sure he would have loved to know that his remains would burn and rest in the soil." Tyson nods and stares down at his leftovers.

Nathalie forces herself to smile softly at Isadora and Irish, the children need reassurance right now, not frightened out of their minds.
"Grandpa Ned passed away last night girls. He went very peacefully, and his grave is in the backyard." Nathalie whispers, voice hoarse from wailing.

"We're not stupid Gramma, we saw his ghost freaking float above the house!" Irish screams, a hopeless fury coursing through her body. Nathalie starts wailing again and runs out of the room, and Tyson starts to scream at Irish. It's a mess of emotions that Isadora just wants to run away and hide from, but her body just won't listen. It's like she's frozen or something.

Forced out of the house for the time being to cool down, Irish lets out her anguish on her sand-starfish.
"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE US! I BARELY GOT TO KNOW YOU, YOU FUCKING SELFISH BASTARD!" Irish bellows, tears running down her face as the emotions run their course.

Isadora is just as upset as Irish is, only the rage is more inward towards herself. The only way she knows how to vent her emotions is to write it out, though the quality of the work is questionable at the moment.

"Me-ow, Me-ow," a baby cat is crying for her mama because the mother cat left the baby kitten and she's really, really sad. In Simlish, she's saying Mama, Mama. Tears are dropping when she hears that her mama is dead. "Me-ow, Me-ow."

Rage turns to tears, as Irish visits Ned's grave. "I can't believe you're gone!" Irish cries into the quiet night.

Irish scrunches her nose at her homework, it seems so inconsequential compared to the life she saw float away from Earth last night. But she knows that school is important if she wants a future, and it's not like the work is that hard. So she fights down the emotions eating at her stomach and pretends to care about fractions.

But the grief gets to her half way through, and tears stream down her face as she throws the notebook across the room.

Isadora and Nathalie come in the room, arguing about the dirty dishes for some reason or another. Irish can't take it anymore and runs off to her room. She's not sure how she can deal with this grief and still live, even though she knows that it's possible. "I'm probably a freak that can't get over shit like this." Irish mutters, using a few of the many curses she learned from television. Yes, Irish has probably strayed from the kid's channel a few too many times, but she wouldn't really be swearing like this if it wasn't for all this chaotic stuff going on right now.

Roxanne's own grief is dying down, and she reminisces about the man Ned used to be as she waters the plants. "It's harder for the girls because they only really knew Ned as a sick, needy man." Roxanne muses to herself quietly, wondering what she can do to ease her girls' pain.

But Superdad is on the case, about the save the day. Well, that thought lasts until he sees the anguish in his little girl's eyes, and he wants to curl up in a ball and cry the rest of the day away. But he fights those feelings, running away won't solve anything.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong? I know Ned's gone, but he wouldn't want you to be this upset." Irish tries to suppress her rage, but fails miserably.
"WHAT'S WRONG? HE'S DEAD! HE'S NOT GONE, PASSED AWAY, WHATEVER THE HELL THAT MEANS! HE'S A FUCKING PILE OF ASHES! DEATH IS MOCKING US WITH HIS SHITTY BLACK CLOAK AND STUPID LITTLE SWORD! I HATE HIM, I HATE YOU!" Great, Irish is back to being angry again, way to mess with the grief cycle! Tyson takes in a deep breath, knowing that this isn't normal behaviour for his usually sweet little girl. Hopefully if he just talks it through with her, she'll calm down enough to know that he's just trying to help.
"I'm sorry Irish, I just want to talk about it. It's not healthy to be this upset, I've been there before and being constantly in rage is a horrible way to be. It's like if a person sings all the time, eventually their voice will give out and they will lose what made their voice special. Do you know what I mean?" Tyson's literally shaking, what if he says something wrong and Irish loses herself to her anger just like he did as a teen. Only Roxanne helped him get out, if not for her, he may never have become a cop and have the wonderful family he has.

Irish softens, her heart breaking with Tyson's obvious pain and anguish.
"I'm sorry, I just miss him Dad." Irish mutters quietly. "Is there anyway for him to come back?" Tyson nods slowly, but with a sad look on his face.
"Ned will probably come back at some point as a ghost, and science has made it possible to make the dead somewhat living. They are a ghost, but can interact with others. But it's a horrible process that causes a lot of pain to the ghost and personality wise it often leaves the ghost bitter. That's why ghost-hunters often have to banish really angry ghosts, they can't cope dying and living again." He pauses, hoping she gets the seriousness of this conversation. "Besides, Ned made peace with his death, he even shook Death's hand. I know he is happy, where-ever he may rest." Irish nods, but an unsettling fire lights up in her eyes. Tyson sighs, at least she's stopping yelling at him. That's a start.

Irish dreams of saving people from the horrific world of death, while Isadora dreams of swimming happily with a bunch of gold jellyfish. Nathalie peeks quickly at the doorway, finding it eerie how different and yet so similar her grandchildren are.
"Isadora's more happy, but with frequent bursts of emotions. Especially anger, the little rascal. Irish tends to stuff it all in until it explodes on her." Nathalie says quietly to herself, wondering if those traits will hinder them from getting far in this unforgiving world. But she will love the both of them, despite any flaws or hateful words they may fling at her. She understands that they just miss their grandfather, just as much as she does despite the lack of years. After all time is nothing compared to true love.


  1. The piece Isadora writes is based of a piece I wrote in 3rd/4th grade in the only notebook from the time I've managed to keep (it's been like 3-4 moves since then, so that's amazing). It's actually pokemon based (my OBSESSION at the time), instead of it being a cat meowing for her mother, it was a Azurill "uhing" for the mama Marill. Besides the obvious lack of Pokemon involved, fixing a few spelling mistakes for the sake of one's sanity and "Simlish" instead of "English", it's pretty much the same as the original and something I believe that Isadora would probably write at this age. I'll add another piece or two if you guys would like, I got plenty of pictures of Isadora typing like a mad girl on that computer.
    Oh, and the chapter title is based off a Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter) quote, a manipulative but rather wise old man :)

  2. That was quite a dramatic chapter! The girls are certainly grieving along with the rest of the family. I like how they are dealing with it in their own unique ways.

    And nice use of the HP quote! Very fitting for a Sims 3 world. =)

  3. Irish her fit made me cry! It has been ages since something i read made cry!
