Monday, August 1, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Twins Spin

Roxanne's finishing up putting some starter plants in the lifeless backyard when she feels the familiar tinge of aging.

"Why are the sparkles coming from my skirt?" Roxanne wonders before getting assaulted with glittery, feel-good hormones.

Roxanne doesn't feel too much different then before, just a bit Maybe it takes a few days to feel like an adult.

Irish wails, her screams filling up the tiny nursery. Arms flailing, nobody knows that she's screaming like a banshee just because she's lonely.

"I'm trying to sleep here, buzz off!" Twin sister Isadora seems to be thinking as she lies down calmly in her crib. Even as a baby, Isadora uses her anger in a logical and calm matter, unlike her sensitive sister.

Ignoring the attention seeking Irish, Ned is content to snuggle with baby Isadora. A soft giggle is heard from the happy purple-wrapped baby, her blurry eyes focused on her sniffling twin.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen Rosaline shares her doubts with Nathalie.
"I feel so guilty about being with Thorne, I mean, I'll always be grateful to Thorne for everything. This sucks because I begged him to make me alive, and I can't give him this relationship he wants because I just don't feel that way. You know what I mean? I've tried telling him that I just want a physical relationship, not an emotional one, but I don't even know how that's possible. I love him so much, and I don't want to hurt him." She stops rambling for a moment, watching Nathalie's face stay blank as she eats some of Ned's fantastic spaghetti. "I know you're his mother, but I'm not really close to any other woman. I just need to talk to somebody who might understand, who's been in a relationship before." Nathalie sighs as she twirls her noodles.

"The unicorn would rather live then die, but will risk it's own death to heal others of their own pain. Do what you think is right Rosaline, but don't hurt my baby." She whispers as Thorne walks into the room for something to eat. Rosaline ponders the odd statement, unsure of what Nathalie's opinion of the manner really is.

Nathalie loves her new home, but she needs to make sure that no ghosts are residing here with them. While she can deal with unfriendly spirits, the babies are helpless against the supernatural.

Baby Irish has her birthday first, despite being the younger of the twins. Like her father, she is determined to sit up, though she whimpers as the pain of her first milestone shoots through her body.

Despite her name, Irish looks anything like the typical Irish girl, with beautiful black hair and light brown eyes.

Ned feel badly that Isadora is having her birthday on the cold metal floor, but he can't pick her up now that the process has started.

Isadora's little toddler brain is quickly plotting revenge as she watches Irish get all of Gapa Ned's attention. Her face scrunches up even more, furious as she realizes that she already has a full diaper. "I big gurrl 'ow, no di-per" She fumes silently.


  1. Notes on the girls:
    Irish had the randomly generated grey/black hair, but I thought it was ridiculous that she inherited random black hair when her father and grandfather have the most black/blue hair. So I made it hers too, with the blue darkened a bit so it's not noticeable except to me (and only really close up). Isadora has Ruby Broke's hair, which I thought was amazing. It's funny though, I pictured Isadora with the black hair and Irish with either Nathalie's or Ruby's red hair XD Well, you can always remember which one is which by the colour of their clothes, Irish always wears green and Isadora always wears purple XD

  2. The twins are absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see what kind of trouble they get into!

    And poor Rosaline. I was really hoping things between her and Thorne would work out, but it seems like it's not meant to be.
