Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter Thirty-One: Love Without Memory

Nathalie's learned the fine art of meditation, something that brings a sense of peace that she hasn't had for a really long time. She even learns to Zenport, her body instinctively longing for the beauty of the outdoors.

Ned may not remember everything, but the love he has for his grandchildren will always reside in his heart. Even if he has to remind himself that they are his grandchildren and not Tyson's playmates.

"Goodnight my button, sweet dreams." Ned whispers warmly, loving the innocence in this little girl's eyes. Irish gurgles happily as he gives a soft kiss on her baby smooth skin.

Irish gives Gapa Ned's hand a big squeeze, and smiles up at him with sad brown eyes.
"No go bye-bye." She whimpers. Ned gives a soft smile back, knowing that he doesn't have too much time left in this world.
"I have to go sweetie, but I'll always love you." Irish pouts a bit, but a part of her developing brain understands that everybody has to go at some point.
"I lubb Gapa twoo! Lotta lubb!" She waves at Ned excitedly, though her eyes are already starting to droop.

As Ned leaves the room, the babies gabble softly as they slowly fall asleep.
"I lubb Gapa! You lubb Gapa?"
"No knoweeng, Gapa no stop wiff bad namess. I no Izzie, I Isa!"
"Mommy tellie me Gapa have head booboos, he no bad."
"I luff Mommy..."
"Mommy all-wees wight I-sa."
"Twue! I luff you I-ish!"
"I lubb you twoo I-sa!"

Roxanne falls asleep alone, battling dream dragons without her knight in shining amour. At least she doesn't have to share the blanket, Tyson's a blanket hog.

Tyson blinks harshly, trying to stop the tears welling up in his eyes. He will fix everything in this house until it is perfect, until his life is perfect.

Nathalie holds on tightly to Ned, wondering if he even remembers Thorne and all the drama related to his birth.
"I love you Ned, I'm so grateful that you remember me." Nathalie breathes, her sad blue eyes resting upon the heavily wrinkled face of her love.
"I am too, I don't know if I could ever forget the love of my life." She feels Ned's package, still roaring even after all these years.

"You're the hottest man alive Ned." Nathalie whispers flirtatiously. Ned smiles, his brown eyes alight with lust and love.
"And you're the Woohoo queen in my eyes." Ned growls softly, almost purr-like.

"Mmm!" Nathalie moans as gentile lips meet and tongues collide.
"I should feel guilty that I'm taking advantage of this...but he tastes so good...but he should kn-...mmm, but I've lost so much..." She just can't quite bring herself to tell him, to lose the renewed passion that makes her feel young again.

Even as they age, Nathalie and Ned have the Woohoo drive of bunnies. Nathalie is just happy she can finally Woohoo with the man she loves, it just hasn't been the same since Thorne's birth.

It's morning, and Roxanne can't wait to see her baby girls. She rushes into the room, not even caring that she's still in her lingerie or that Tyson never did go to sleep with her. Motherly love beat all, at least for today. She picks up Irish first, smiling at the bubbly baby. Roxanne is amazed at how cheerful she is in the morning, she's always been a night owl.
"How's my pretty girl?" She chirp, her heart soaring at the site of Irish's little smile.
"Goo' Mommy! You pwetty too!" Isadora, not as much of a morning person as Irish, merely sucks her thumb while she tries to shake off her drowsiness.

After playing with Irish for a bit, Isadora has had enough and starts to cry softly. Roxanne gives a soft kiss on Irish's head and sends her off to play, then walks over to Isadora to try and soothe the cranky little girl.
"You're also my pretty girl Isa!" Isadora merely gives her a childish glare, and she sighs. "Why don't we play the airplane game? Prepare for liftoff!" Roxanne exclaims, and Isadora giggles. "Swoosh! Ah! Wee!" Roxanne makes silly sounds, knowing that Isadora loves anything noisy.
"Vwoom! Beepbeep!" Isadora screams excitedly, loving any attention she can get from Mommy. Roxanne breaths a sigh of relief, crisis averted.

Nathalie wonders if she should invite Thorne and Rosaline over for dinner soon. They moved with the family, but since they turned into young adults during the three day drive over to Brooklyn Heights, they decided to find their own home around the area. She isn't sure if they are together or not, but either way, she hopes they have a happy future together. She starts to freak out a bit by the thought of getting all the proper plates and napkins for a dinner party however.


  1. Thorne and Rosaline don't look too different from before, pretty much all that changed was that Rosaline now has boobs XD I have a facial picture of both of them as adults in the family tree if you care :P

  2. It feels like Isa is being neglected by everyone. :P

  3. Whew. Alright, so I *finally* caught up on your legacy and I have to say I love it. I think Thorne is my favorite and I was sad to see him go, but I'm excited for prospective Thorne updates! Love the kiddos too!

  4. Those girls are pretty spoiled though, look at their epic princess room :P In reality, they both get lots of love, but of course in a toddler's eyes, there's never enough XD I can't imagine my niece having a twin, she's such an attention hog :P
    I've been having trouble getting Thorne to come over, he just wanders all around BH's beaches doing who knows what XD I'll keep trying to get some more pictures of him though, I do have a plot twist in about 5/7/9 chapters that might involve Thorne.
