"Remember all the pancakes you made me cook when you were pregnant with Tyson? Does that ring a bell?" Ned says, irritated. Nathalie shuts up, not wanting to risk exposure on her secret.
"Giant Space Monkeys are coming to get you!" Thorn squirms away, not wanting to play this game. He's frightened, hungry, and tired.
"No!" Thorne wails. Nathalie doesn't comprehend the scariness of the space monkeys, so she just stares blankly as her son cries.
Ned isn't the only one partial to apple pancakes.
Tyson gives a hug to his little brother, he can't believe he was this small just a day ago!
"Peek-a-Boo!" Tyson tries to play some games with Thorne, but he's too scared of the space monkeys and fears Tyson's hands too. "Thor, I'm not crazy like Mama."
"Hey, I heard that!" Nathalie cries out from the other side of the room
Tyson is bored, waiting for school to start, so he does some jumping jacks. He doesn't really think he's the athletic type though, as he pants heavily after a ten minute workout.
"Puzzles are the future." Tyson says as he reads a book full of logic behind the most common puzzles. Who knew crosswords could be so complicated?
Thorne wants to play, less scared of the space monkeys now that he's been safe from them and Nathalie for a couple hours.
Thorne glares at Tyson's shoe as he plays with Rosaline. At least she always plays with him!
Nathalie would rather do anything besides potty training. Ghost hunting, sniffing her hand...at least she only has to potty train one baby now!
Ned is tired after a long day of fishing, and he wants to scream as he repairs the dirt-incrusted sink. He was calm when he was out in the water, but now the furious swarm of emotions are starting to set in again. "We should have just had the one child!" Ned thinks, angry at Thorne for no tangible reason.
Hmmm, Ned seems to be a pot of boiling water about to spill over! Should be interesting!!